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Urgent Appeal for Immediate Gaza Ceasefire

Healthcare Workers' Letter to President Biden

October 28, 2023

President Joseph R. Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500


Subject: Urgent Appeal for Immediate Gaza Ceasefire

Dear President Biden,

We, the undersigned, representing the overwhelming consensus of U.S. healthcare professionals, unite with the global call from human rights organizations and civil societies for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

We are deeply concerned about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the lives lost since the 10/07 attack. We mourn the innocent casualties in Israel and Palestine, hope for a safe return of all hostages, and fear further loss of civilian lives, especially those in need of immediate medical assistance.

Gaza, housing 2.3 million Palestinians, nearly half of them children, is often referred to as the world's largest and most densely populated "open-air prison." With over 61% of Gazans grappling with food insecurity, 50% unemployed, locals rely heavily on humanitarian aid. For 16 years, Gaza has been under a suffocating Israeli blockade.  Now that both border crossings are closed, trapped civilians are left defenseless against indiscriminate bombings, a situation the UN Human Rights office has condemned as a "violation of international humanitarian law" and "unspeakably cruel."

At the time of writing, 7,703 Palestinians, among them 3,595 children, have lost their lives, with 62% of the casualties consisting of women and children. Another 20,000 are wounded and in need of immediate medical and surgical care. ​ UN experts have cautioned that this collective punishment of Palestinians amounts to a war crime, sounding the alarm of mass ethnic cleansing and genocide.


Israeli airstrikes have struck 37 healthcare facilities, claiming the lives of more than 100 medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, technicians, pharmacists, and medical students. This is profoundly heartbreaking and represents a massive blow to a community already grappling with a shortage of healthcare workers. It is also one of the most significant losses the medical community has endured since World War II, leaving us in a state of deep shock and mourning. The General Director of Médecins San Frontières, Meinie Nicolai, has described the situation as “an attack on medical care and on humanity.”


Israel's indiscriminate attacks have also resulted in the deaths of 57 members of the UN and UNRWA, critically affecting the primary organizations engaged in medical relief efforts within the besieged Palestinian territory. Furthermore, hospitals are grappling with severe shortages of essential medical supplies, water, oxygen, and fuel to sustain their critical operations.

The healthcare system, already devastated by staff losses, destruction of infrastructure, and medical aid and supplies embargo, is under immense and immediate strain. The need for a ceasefire is critical, as the healthcare system in Gaza is on the verge of complete collapse. 

As healthcare professionals, our foremost responsibility is the safeguarding and preservation of human life, without distinction of nationality, race, or creed. Our commitment to the sanctity of life is unwavering. We strongly believe that a ceasefire is a crucial step to ensure the protection of innocent civilians, alleviate the strain on the Gazan healthcare system, and pave the way for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

We, the American medical community, earnestly implore you, Mr. President, to exercise your authority and advocate for an immediate ceasefire. The lives of millions hang in the balance, and the world turns to the United States for moral guidance during these challenging times. We firmly believe that, through your leadership, the United States can play a pivotal role in fostering peace and preserving lives in this dire situation.



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